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Ned. Home. New life.
-- 2005-12-12

Guest Entry -- Bindyree
-- 2005-12-03

-- 2005-10-16

Morality question...
-- 2005-10-07

The creepiest thing...
-- 2005-10-04


2005-03-15 - 9:43 p.m.

I'm home, but one of the things about my job that gets me is the smell I bring home on my clothes. I smell like food. So, imagine my fun when I arrived home and had to deliver a check to Nelson's sister, who happens to own a chocolate lab.

Yeah. He liked me alrighty. He did everything short of hump my leg. Friendly dog.

Work was great. Four hours is nothing, and we did a great job -- which is always rewarding. And it gets you out a little early if you are really good. ;-)


Tomorrow I am off, and it's gonna stay that way. I haven't talked to my mother in a week because she works nights like Nelson, so I had no time to call when I wanted to. I'm sure she's curious as to how I'm doing. The last two times I worked in a deli/convenience store, I lasted one and three days, respectively. This is different, though. Circumstances change.


A very special 'thank you' to requiel. You know what you wrote, and you know how much it meant to me. That was quite possibly the single most wonderful thing anyone has ever said to me. Check your notes if this makes no sense. ;-)



There's something very peculiar going on with my downstairs neighbor.
That's all I'm saying for now.


I made Nelson a roast beef sub at work to bring home for his dinner tonight. I had no time to cook, and I had soup and salad at work already. He enjoyed it. No point to that story, really.


I'm pretty tired tonight, so I'm probably going to hit the hay soon. Have a great night everyone!

(Or 'rest of the day', depending on where you reside...)



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