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Ned. Home. New life.
-- 2005-12-12

Guest Entry -- Bindyree
-- 2005-12-03

-- 2005-10-16

Morality question...
-- 2005-10-07

The creepiest thing...
-- 2005-10-04

One month gone

2005-03-23 - 7:12 p.m.

Back so soon?

Uh huh! :-)


I've given up on my Juliet Diaryring for now. I even went so far as to delete the ring, and start from scratch -- but it's just not happening. I'll wait until every bug in Diaryland is repaired, and then try again.

I probably won't get many sign-ups for it just now, anyway. The new CD isn't out until Summer of this year. So at least I own it.

The area reserved for that link is now being utilized for my "Last five entries:" (See the left margin)


Well, I laid down for a short nap. Short? No. It was three freaking hours! I vaguely remember Nelson walking into the room and me asking him why he was up. "I can't sleep."

"Well, you'd better try", I said, "You just took a day off last week." ...and right back to sleep I went. I'm not sure if I dreamed that or what.

After my nap, I got dressed and went into work to grab some soda and look at my schedule. The second I walked back in the door -- out of NOWHERE, I had a rather huge anxiety attack. It was completely strange, because I can't think of anything that could have triggered it.

I've had an anxiety disorder for years, but usually the anxiety attacks were brought on by excess alcohol consumption. I've been sober for three months now, so that wasn't it. It was just, well -- odd. It's gone now, for the most part.


I'll be starting dinner in a few minutes. We are having grilled salmon fillets with lemon and butter, some leftover pasta, and corn with pimentos.

Nummy nums!


So, it's back to work tomorrow. (Yay!) I'm only scheduled for four days this week, but I have a feeling I'll get five. If not, I can handle four.

Sure beats the one lousy freaking day per week I was getting at Hollywood Video.


Today marks exactly one month that Maria has been 'missing in action'. I hope she's okay -- but I hope even moreso, that she's feeling bad for everything she's put me through. The lies, the deception, the stories she's made up, the thievery...


Okay. I guess that's it for tonight. Unless, as Brin says, it's not...

Have a great evening! :-)

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