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Ned. Home. New life.
-- 2005-12-12

Guest Entry -- Bindyree
-- 2005-12-03

-- 2005-10-16

Morality question...
-- 2005-10-07

The creepiest thing...
-- 2005-10-04

Friggin' Chicken

2005-05-03 - 9:09 p.m.

I've been a bit worried lately.

My lower back has been bothering my on my left and right sides, and of course -- hypochondriac that I am -- I'm thinking the worst. That is, after all -- where my kidneys are located.

Have I drunk so much alcohol in my past that I've damaged them?

Well, maybe -- but no. I discovered the friggin' problem today.

When I work in the deli, I do quite a bit of lifting. You wouldn't think so, but I do. Our deli is humongous, and the meat that has to be transferred from point A to point B, is heavy. But the real problem, is the sink where we wash the dishes. It is too low, and bending over it using proper body mechanics is next to impossible. Today when I leaned over to put the attachments for the meat slicer in, I noticed the "pull". Ow.

I need to find a way to properly bend over this demon sink, and that's not going to be easy.


I never knew how many fans I have. Apparently, I've been nicknamed, "The Singing Deli Boy". Why? Because the satellite musak station that we listen to, plays songs that I know and love and know all the lyrics to -- and apparently I'm having so much fun at work, that I don't notice that I'm singing. But I am.

I think that's a good sign. Bummer I can't carry a tune to save my life! But nobody's complaining.

...oddly enough.


Well, the tattoo is finally starting to shed the dead layers of skin. I was beginning to think I had miracle skin that defied the laws of nature. Apparently, I was mistaken. It looks disgusting, but was to be expected.

I promise not to pick at it. :-)


I am exhausted. Today I did the deli by myself, and cleaned it myself as well. I was out of work by 8 p.m., and didn't have to cook dinner. Apparently, the employees are allowed to take home any leftover fried chicken and potato wedges that aren't sold, and since I made them late, they were still very tasty and fresh. I brought home far too much chicken for two people, but I was spared having to prepare a meal.

I won't be doing that often. I'm getting sick of it already.

Okay. I'm off. Have a great night!

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